As we complete the Women in Ministry Leadership discussion and discernment process, here is the motion and rationale that the Board will present to the church on April 26, 2015. For those of you who have taken the time to be a part of the church family by participating in the process, thank you.
That all leadership positions at Westwood MB Church shall be open to men and women.
The Board of Elders of Westwood MB Church is putting forward the above resolution. We again affirm the 2006 CCMBC resolution that this issue is non-confessional and that we as a body are committed to unity for the purposes of the gospel. While we recognize a theme of male leadership through scripture we also recognize that the leadership of God’s people has not been restricted only to men and that women have been called by God to lead His people. Moving forward we believe it to be in the best interest of the governance and leadership of the church, and the mission of the gospel of Jesus Christ to not restrict those whom God calls to lead. Further, we entrust the discernment of ‘God’s-call-to-leadership’ to our Membership, Leadership Discernment Team, and Board of Elders.