Elder Discernment

The Leadership Discernment Team requests submissions on a year-round, ongoing basis for the positions of Elder (three-year term normally commencing at the end of February after the Annual General Meeting).

Before you submit someone for discernment, please read the summary of Biblical Characteristics for Spiritual Leaders carefully and spend time in prayer. These characteriestics are a crucial starting point; the Leadership Discernment Team will also reflect on the current needs on the Board of Elders.

Submissions can be made either electronically via the online form or by returning this form to the Office Drop Box at the Information kiosk or the church office.

Submissions are welcome anytime, but should be made no later than November in a calendar year for discernment in time for the following February's AGM.

Leadership Discernment Team

This ongoing, year-round committee is governed by the Board of Elders.  The current members of the team are

  • Ken Gagnon
  • Tom Lavigne
  • Rob Dyck (ex officio)
  • Robin Bjarnason (chair)
More information? Questions?

Contact Pastor Robin at robin@westwoodchurch.bc.ca.